XML 主页
XML 简介
XML 如何使用
XML 语法
XML 元素
XML 属性
XML 确认
XML 浏览器
XML 检视
XML 数据岛
XML 解析器
XML 应用

XML 高级部分
XML 命名空间
XML 编码
XML 服务器
XML 应用
XML 行为
XML 技术

XML 例子
XML 测验

XML 书籍
XML 规范

XML Step by Step


The description below is the publishers own description.

XML Step by Step

Title: XML Step by Step

ISBN: 0-7356-1020-7

Pub Date: July 2000

Pages: 400


XML (Extensible Markup Language) is currently the most promising language for storing and delivering highly structured information on the Web. XML抯 structured syntax lets you describe virtually any type of information梖rom a simple recipe to a complex business database梐nd sort, filter, find, and manipulate that information in flexible ways. XML STEP BY STEP clearly explains the basics of XML and shows both nonprogrammers and Web developers how to create effective XML documents and display them on the Web. The book takes a hands-on learning approach and focuses on the most practical techniques that you can use now, even if you don抰 have extensive technical knowledge. A CD-ROM that comes with the book includes XML examples for all hands-on exercises, plus extensive links to further information and resources.

What you will Learn

  • What XML is, why it's needed, and how it's being used to solve real-world problems
  • The rules and techniques for creating well-formed and valid XML documents, based on the official specification of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
  • How to display XML documents directly in Web browsers by using cascading style sheets (CSS) or Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
  • How to display XML documents through conventional HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages using data binding, the XML Document Object Model (DOM), and the Microsoft瓸 Jscript瓸 scripting language
  • How to use XML with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, Microsoft Windows瓸 98, and Microsoft Windows 2000

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Why XML?
Chapter 2: Creating and Displaying your first XML Document
Chapter 3: Creating Well-Formed XML Documents
Chapter 4: Adding Comments, Processing Instructions, and CDATA Sections
Chapter 5: Creating Valid XML Documents
Chapter 6: Defining and using Entities
Chapter 7: Displaying XML Documents using CSS
Chapter 8: Displaying XML Documents using Data Binding
Chapter 9: Displaying XML Documents using DOM Scripts
Chapter 10: Displaying XML using XSL
Appendix: Web Addresses for Further Information

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